Our working hours on December 31st are from 11 AM to 4 PM. The next working day is January 8th. All online orders will be processed from that date.

Happy New Year!


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Zetska 4a

         On September 1, 2016, we opened our first Shop&Studio. This will become our former location exactly four years later on September 1, 2020. We were located in the historical Skadarlija district in a romantic street of Zetska. The street was a passive one although in the city center. We loved it that for that. We simply enjoyed working on the interior with young and talented architect Milica Tasić. 



        The studio was integral part of the shop. That was the concept that we did not want to abandon at any cost. It embodies the core idea of the brand. Visitors could see the process and therefor were offered to feel the deeper value of craft and pottery. 




Before October 2018, Boya was known as Re:Art:Concept.