Our working hours on December 31st are from 11 AM to 4 PM. The next working day is January 8th. All online orders will be processed from that date.

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Šuma, Espresso Cup, two variants

Espresso cups were not a part of the Šuma collection from the beginning. They needed time to grow. I made green espresso cups following the same principle as the breakfast bowl, bringing porcelain to some lower tone register, down to earth, if I may say so. As a balance to it, I've put a whole little meadow on the surface of the other one!

We recommend matching them with a Šuma meadowsaucer or plates.

The green cup is hand-carved and unglazed on the outer side, while the other is hand-painted and fully glazed. The matte and glossy kind of go well together.

We may not recommend it for the shortest espresso, but all other options would fit nicely.

Dim.: 7x7 cm

Vol: 160ml


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